I will be trying tonight!! I have 2 days in so far - w/Mac running
Radeon Pro 570 - and literally, everything you stated is what I have
done and happened (the WTF about my driver being gone!!)Also,
repaired/uninstalled Oculus as well - Thanks for thi...
Hello buzzcamWe are having the same issues - but w/Radeon Pro 570 -
uninstalling - reinstalling - then my driver rolled back to some basic
driver - was finally after many attempts (thought I was going to have to
reinstall bootcamp - but didn't) was a...
Using Bootcamp OS - Windows 10 - and have the Radeon Pro 570 - went thru
all the 'regular' channels - uninstalled AMD reinstalled - but could not
update my driver because I'm using Bootcamp and it is not supported -
finally found in small print - to ...