@dopamaniac wrote:Strange indeed. My main problem with the orientation
lock is that I cannot activate the Augmented Reality recording options.
When I try to switch to them the bounce back to the default recording
button....Yeah, the augmented reality...
@JamBox88 The app is buggy on iOS. The problem is the app will NOT
rotate to landscape while casting even with the rotation lock off. Many
times the app will stay in portrait mode while casting. People know how
to use their iPhones…
I@LapinFou14 wrote:Indeed mine also cracked after few months. I got a
full exchange. The new case is slightly different. Thus, I hope this
also include a fix for this crack issue.... 爛How long did it take for
Oculus support to get back to you to app...
@LapinFou14 wrote:I agree, it is a minor annoyance. It is just a shame
for a such nice piece of hardware.Just wait till the strap cracks ...
mine cracked after 4 months of light use.
My strap from February 2021 broke in the exact same spot as everyone
elses. Strap was manufactured in October 2020. Strap was VERY lightly
used and cared for since I knew about the breakage issues. Nevertheless,
after 2 months of non-use (summer), I ...