We need more streaming platform support, like Mixer and Twitch. I dont
want my facebook to keep being flagged due to ingame music. Streaming
games is a great advertisement not only for the oculus quest as a device
but also for the games developers be...
I agree with this, i just went to try and stream to my FB gaming page
and theres no option. Why wasn't this implemented as soon as FB gaming
pages were a thing???
I have update 13 installed on my quest and this app isnt there. Its also
not on the store so you cant even go get it. The roll out of these
"features" is silly why not allow people who have a PC to allow them to
update through the PC oculus app when ...
I tried it today with the newest version of unity and im having the same
issue. Heres hoping this gets resolved soon as i would love to use the
LWRP for the quest
I agree with this, for example I own Dance Central so i prefer not to
have the demo show up on the store and under apps i own since its not
needed when i already have the main game.