since ‎12-09-2013

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Hi everyone!I received the Rift 3 days ago and love it. It works great. I have no other problems with it except for described below.First - left lens have this circle in the middle. It must be from the underside. Maybe it's not polished enough from b...
I have only two usb 3.1 ports and those are etron controller on my old mobo. The compat tool did not raised any alarm but the rift setup did and sensors throw error during setup. I am using my usb 2.0 ports and everything seems to work fine.Is there ...
Hey guys!My bundle is on the way and I am wondering if my motherboard is good enough.I have two usb3.0 etron ports in motherboard and ofcourse a lot of usb2.0 ports.But it's required to have three usb3.0 ports.So either one sensor or hmd have to be o...
Mine is coming sometime next week and I've read countless posts about people scratching their lenses with anything they've tried. Even included cloth. I am not wearing glasses btw and I know to blew out dust before cleaning.I had some scratches on dk...
This is just madness. Goodbye vr....I bought both dk1 and dk2 and even though dk2 was more expensive, it was still half that total cost !!!This is a nightmare. 800 freaking euro... that is way more than my monthly salary here and I have decent IT job...
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