So I got a new Pcie USB 3 board (NEC uPD720201 chipset) that get the
green light in the compability tool. But i cant get the sensor to work
on it. Headset work fine and if I use the sensor on an old USB2
connector it works fine. But not on the USB3 c...
Solved. Make sure you usb3 pcie host drivers are the correct ones. I
went in to the device manager and hit "update drivers". It then removed
the latest drivers from the hardware maker and put it the standard
Windows drivers instead. And problem solve...
Any way to heat up the lenses removes the fog. Its a cold lens combined
with a warm face that makes water in the air condense on the lense. As
soon as the lense heat up enough, there no more fog. So all ways to
preheat the GearVR housing fix the prob...