Yes this is a real problem for me too, what I do is wave the controller
wildly around pointing all directions until you see the button briefly
highlight then slowly retrace your steps to find the point when the
button is highlighted and press it. The...
The Multi screen browser is nice but for me still unusable since the
screen is so close if feels like it is pasted on my eyeballs, my normal
routine is to go in, walk forward, reset the screen then back away from
the screen. Sadly going into and out ...
I do the same with resetting the screen then walking backwards, then
next time I visit the home room it's back to being pasted on my
eyeballs, it's not just a little too close, its way too close. Update 11
moved the screen much closer and smaller. In...
If you hate the in your face home screen position you can vote for it to
be reverted / made configurable at
(it's not letti...