Hello everyone, I'm a new developer that has started to develop games
through Unity for VR. I'm currently primarily developing for the Oculus
Rift and my current project is a multiplayer game, in VR, based around
Pacman. I've gone through a few cours...
Hello everyone.I have encountered an issue when it comes to inviting
people to my SocialStarter scene from the OVRAvatar SDK.. I first had an
error '0: Error: OVR6139226' that was prohibiting me ability to connect
to the server but I seem to have sin...
Hey BaptisteGr, BaptisteGr said: Hello,Where can I download the Social
Starter scene? I thought that it would be in the Avatar SDK but it's
not.Thanks!It is under the Avatar SKD, just go to: OvrAvatar -> Samples
-> SocialStarter There you will find t...