I just bought an Oculus Quest 2. After some trouble I was able to get my
SBS videos transfer to my headset.However nothing plays them as VR. They
are titled Vegas.mp4 and hotel.mp4. I downloaded Big Screen and used
their video player but it just show...
I have a trial version of a program called FonePaw and I tried to
convert a 2d movie to 3d. I used the top/bottomconversion. The original
video was 1280 x 720. When I tried to watch it on the Gear VR, it was
huge and unwatchable.I used my last conver...
My S7 just updated and now when I try to start Oculus, I get a message
that I have to update. But it will not update. After I didthe update on
my S7, I got a message that com.facebook.appmanager and
com.facebook.system were not valid so I deleted the...
I posted this in an older post but I thought I would try it with it's
own post.My S7 just upgraded and now Oculus app is telling me to update
but nothing happenswhen I push "Update Now"When the S7 upgraded, it told
me that several apps were no longer...
No that is not what I am trying to do. I have two SBS 180 files that I
didn't list. (I couldn't remember theirname, demo for a game) It is
doing the same thing. I have put all four files on my PS4 VR and they
playperfect. (Instead of getting two side...
I found this on the internet for re-installing Oculus. But on step 1 to
uninstall Gear VR Service, my phone does not give me the option to
uninstall Gear VR Service. Just to stop it. The rest can be
uninstalled.Find and select Gear VR Service. Uninst...