I have found that using OculusDebugToolCLI.exe to lock FPS @30 works
very well for a particular program, but every time I want to run that
program I have to re-enter the command.My question is: Is there any way
to Auto Execute this when I start up, O...
Thank you for the reply! It is not "Casting" that I'm having an issue
with, it's the Oculus Mirror that isn't working. I want to view the
Oculus Mirror window on my PC, but it is just black. Does Oculus Mirror
no longer work? (I am using the Link Cab...
Same issue! Air Link had been working fine for months, tonight, Air Link
no longer sees my PC unless I connect my Q2 to my WiFi 2g extender, then
the connection is so crappy, the headset just disconnects. Why does this
have to be so convoluted!
I'm curios if you have notified support regarding this? If you have,
what was their response? Myself and dozens of others are having these
stuttering issues, where before the last three MSFS updates, the
performance was phenomenal! I feel that Oculus...