Hi, I cannot buy cyber monday pack on both browser via Pc or Oculus app
on Android. I get the following error after entering my PIN : GraphQL
server responded with error 1353028: Un incident est survenu et votre
paiement n’a pas pu être finalisé. Cet...
For information, Sounds like the Cybermonday pack (oculus essentials)
has been modified (Dead and buried II has been removed) and now I can
buy the pack. All is working now (except all my saves in Beat Saber that
was deleted during the factory reset ...
For information, I did a factory reset on the Quest and I get back home
& library, but still unable to buy in the store (from Quest, Smartphone
and PC Browser). I tried to buy a free game it was OK, but for the
CyberMonday pack there is the same erro...
I can Add that on my Quest I don't have access to home, store, library,
there is only the browser that is working. Same issue as here :