CharacterCameraConstraint on OVRPlayerController is not working using
Oculus Integration 19.1 on Unity 2019.4, even with its inclussion the
character capsule remains detached and it doesn't update its
height.Funny thing, I jumped from Unreal Engine t...
@mobkon I got it working but I had to delete my previous project, the
new one has no issues. My guess is something went wrong while creating
the project and somehow it got corrupted. Right now I'm just starting
and worried because I found no way to f...
I'm stuck here as well.Unreal Editor 4.25.3New Project -> Games ->
Virtual Reality (all defaults)When I click on VR mode, all I see in the
Oculus Rift S is the UE4 Editor with the loading message. If I click
Play -> VR mode a window opens and I can i...