Hello guys,Today I want to say after I tested both versions of Gear VR1
and 2 what I think about a new Gear VR 2.Desing: Gear VR 2 -Slightly
bigger than previous one ( Gear VR CV )-Less light leaking inside only a
little bit is entering in a top area...
Hi,When we can expect oculus rift in UK retail stores like for example
PCWorld/Currys ?Is this going to be happening at all or no chance ?btw.
price+shipping is very high so im waiting for price to drop a bit lower
or oculus to be available in local ...
Love it!I would love to see it on my samsung galaxy s7 edge with gear vr
not sure if its possible but it would be awesome to have this game
anywhere I go 
Hi,I want to get a new samsung phone as well and my question is should I
go for S7 or S7 edge for the best Gear VR experience ?Is 43ppi more
clearer in gear vr or its not much noticable or at all?I saw somewhere
Carmack mentioned that S7 is better ch...
"smilertoo" wrote:Can't sell it in shops outside the USA as they'd need
to translate all the instructions etc so the UK will have to wait...ummm
nevermind.haha xD
"REDxFROG" wrote:I was expecting a final product at my stores. Not
another DK that is shipping until June and even longer. :roll: That
company dissapointed me astronomic :xSame here...Im very
dissappointed...yes maybe Oculus Rift looks like a consume...