So after being a preorder with 32XX and canceling my order due to
financial issues, I had some extra money on sunday and decided to call
bestbuy... well they had them in stock relatively close and I'm now a
proud owner of the CV1. With this said I've...
So I put in a support ticket to cancel my order and it was handled
within 15 mins! Seems like they are more eager to loose customers then
to help the ones with defective units lol. Anyway figured I'd throw this
out there for everyone to dwell on. Goo...
Lets start a poll to find out how people really feel the god rays effect
their experience in the rift.Leave a descriptive comment with your
experience with the God Rays.
Seriously? People who had preordered are still waiting for their rifts
while individuals who did not preorder but whom bought a "bundle" from
bestbuy just to return the PC and keep the rift aka circumventing the
whole process. I feel like the people ...
I wonder if Oculus' Production / fulfillment centers are working through
the weekend to try and "catch" up... (not that catching up is likely) or
is this wishful thinking?
This game is fun and the only things I had to do to make it more
enjoyable was turn up the graphics to ultra and set the head tracking
recenter button to one on the xbox1 controller to it. I've been playing
this game mostly and I don't care to much f...
Id say you need to make sure that the rift headset is set as your
default audio device and if it is just disable your current computers
audio device while using the rift. This should resolve your Issue. Your
computer might just be forcing it back to ...
I will be downloading this when I get home from work today! This looks
pretty nifty. I'm really new to 3d animation and game content design so
i'll try and give you guys some feed back about how it feels to someone
that really doesn't know much about...