After almost a year my S6 on the Gear VR started having problems
connecting to the Gear VR. The screen would go black most of the time.
Hard reset would restore it for a few days. I filled a bug report with
Oculus that a number of the apps I had to r...
1.21 never downloads no matter restarting. It's listed as Queued under
Updates - Pending and complains every time I start it because tupdate
may not have installed correctly. Anyone else have this issue?
Any update on this? I'm having odd problems on Gear VR with shader
that's loading in self created Linear textures. It only works if I set
Unity project to Gamma and create the texture as gamma. Exact same code
with linear space works fine on PC.
Your best bet is to get even a simple VR video setup and shoot some
tests or a test scene BEFORE making your dream feature film in VR.
Changing lenses, etc. doesn't enter into real VR shooting. It's a lot of
work to stitch well. Reds are great for re...
Options:Single GoPro and then use MilkVR and set to 180x180 ( adjust
size to match actual GoPro which is a bit less)Single Kodak Pixpro for
180 x 180 forward look. Relatively cheap and does provide full 180 and
can be viewed on MilkVR. Small like GoP...