I didn't see a thread or anything for this, so I thought I'd make one
just for people like me who like
will start shipping mid-week, probably Wednesday.I'm just happy for...
Are there any super rich people out there who are planning to buy the
Rift as well as the Vive and/or PSVR?Most of my disposable income goes
to electronics anyway, so it isn't completely out of the question. I'd
just have to deal without getting a fe...
I've noticed that will still appear to be on sometimes when it is just
sitting on my desk, but I leave my computer off when I'm not gaming on
it.EDIT: It is not on when my computer is off.
Delayed people have the advantage of a larger library when they first
experience the Rift. Yeah, it sucks to wait, but there are some great
games you'll be able to play day one.