Same here, posting to keep track of thread^^I am using the new XR
Management system for development with Quest. The system itself seems to
be working fine, I can retrieve a reference to the oculus input
subsystem, I can successfully call other functi...
How are you planning on evolving the process of getting/letting games
onto the oculus quest? On the one hand there are (particularly with
todays blog post) more and more developer focued guides on how to work
with the hardware and develop performant ...
I also have/had the same problem trying to deploy something on GearVR. I
was waiting on 2018.3 because I hoped that might have fixed it.It did
not.BUT while looking though all the new features and stuff I noticed
that there is a new package available...
Ran into the same Problem with S7 and 5.4.0b22. Previous Beta release
did not have this issue. Using 5.3.5 in the meantime, but would also +1
any Bug report regarding the issue ^^