Hey everyone, I've been having some video issues with my Rift pretty
much since I bought it in January. I would often have blackout periods
lasting one to two seconds but would typically come back, this would
happen as often as 4 times in 5 minutes. ...
I am using 388.59 Drivers and have had my rift working on that, had
occasional periods of the video going black for 1-2 seconds (Audio did
not cut out) and often saw red streaking horizontal lines in the lower
part of my vision. Yesterday the video w...
How sure are you they will send a new cable? This email is pretty
specific as they only want the headset and if I include any other items
they will not be returned.
Yeah ive done everything that I can think of. Oculus Support got back to
me and wants me to send them my headset and headset only... all of my
suspicions point to the cable and they only want the headset back? I
don't understand, why wouldn't they at...