Just thought I would share the information I found. This guy broke his
Vive controller and then repaired it himself. Pics have been posed on
and http://imgur.com/a/hKeB4
Does the forum offer a responsive option? This way it scales to the size
of the screen we are using. Like this site http://vruserforum.com On my
phone it looks great but in my PC it only takes up about 40% of the
useable screen space. Is their anythi...
http://wccftech.com/nvidia-pascal-3dmar ... s-spotted/1060 showing
similar results to an overclocked 970. If 1060 price stay the same as
960 will have VR ready GPU for $200 Its so hard holding off to buy a
new card when I know my r9270X wont handle...
Not sure how long this sale will last but if you buy the I5 6600k you
get the Gigabyte GA-Z170-HD3P Motherboard for
free!http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1 ... 6600k.htmlJust thought
I would share for anyone in the process of building a PC.
I saw this posted on http://www.slickdeals.net. $1135 is a steal for
this PC.HP offers their HP Envy 750se Core i7-6700 Gaming Desktopw/ GTX
980Ti Video Card for $1135.39 when you follow the instructions below.
Shipping is free. http://store.hp.com/u...
I'm in the same boat. I ordered the Rift day 1 and after the NDA was
lifted I questioned my decision and ordered a vive also. My Rift arrived
yesterday and I can tell u it is amazing. I can't wait to see what the
future brings for VR.
Maybe this will be of some
help.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ef3ygVGDo_oA handy chart for
I would pass. That PC only has on-board graphics.You would need a
Graphics card (GTX 970 or R9 290). The power supply at 320W would also
need upgraded in order to handle the increased power consumption of the
graphics card.