Hey all. I'm currently setting up a new office, with plenty of space for
maximum room scaling and I currently have a third sensor on order, but
I'm considering a 4th.This question somewhat applies to both a 3-sensor
and 4-sensor setup, but I'm curiou...
Hey all, I have a weird setup I'm working on. I recently bought a
Treadmill Desk so I can get some exercise in while I do my work. I'm a
work-at-home game developer, so 95% of my work life is spent sitting
down, and I love to game, so hey, that's mor...
(Disclaimer, this was originally posted in this thread, but I thought it
would make a good topic of it's own so I revised/reposted it!)I can't
tell you how many times I hyped up VR to people, and to them it's just
some dollar store gimmick. Even once...
So, I own one of these fun little bad boys as my side
gaming/gamedev-on-the-go laptop. It's certainly underspec'ed for VR and
I knew that going in. But, I thought I'd see how the Oculus Rift ran on
it anyway just for giggles. I figured it might still...
So, I've been playing alot of DooM and Duke3d via VR mods on my Rift,
they're a blast. It's really fun playing these really old pixelated
games in full VR. It got me thinking what other old games I'd love to
see in VR.High on the list for me is the e...
Heh, I recently punched a wall playing Superhot VR. Luckily Superhot
isnt a "fast" paced game it was only a mild punch, but enough to make me
take off my HMD and inspect my Touch for damage. Luckily, the wall and
touch are fine though.
cybereality said: Here is the doc for the optimum "room scale"
would I be better off still having the front 2 sensors side by side (as
in the diagram), and then having both rear spea...
FlakMagnet said: I'm using 3 sensors now with the front two at ceiling
height. The third sensor (positioned as recommended by Oculus - visit
ocul.us/360support for more details) is not ceiling height yet, but it
will be when my third camera mount arr...
CLParker said: I'm using three at the moment, works like a charm. Not
sure what four will do that three won't but I would be curious to know
how the tracking is. I have one on a speaker to my left, the middle one
up high on the mantle, and one kinda ...
Update: All cables arrived, and even with the displays in duplicate mode
(and even with 2 monitors turned off) the Rift won't turn on. You have
to physically unplug one of the monitors to get the Rift up, then the
Rift takes one of the 4 slots and th...