I like the Oculus Avatars and would like to use them for my Oculus users
but I don't want to limit my applications to Oculus devices.I understand
the Avatars are now intended to be cross-platform but I can't find any
information on how you would impl...
Can anyone help?I have 360 video running in VR using AVPro. I have a UI
icon overlaid on the video to enable the user to exit. With 2D video the
UI looks fine. With 3D SBS video the icon appears to double until you
force your focus on it and then the...
I have the exact same problem. I am also planning to use the headset for
a research study.Not being able to see the the pointers when trying to
calibrate will make things too hard for participants.Hopefully this gets
fixed soon.
> Cross platform isn’t quite out the door yet, but we’re working on
itThanks for the update. I hadn't heard anything for sometime so wasn't
sure if it had been released unknown to me or was still being worked on
at all. I look forward to hearing more...