since ‎02-22-2016

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all you have to do is own an rift, friend me on oculus home and steam (ensoph42) in the next 3 mins before I crash out and its yours.
So i have some friends on oculus home but no way to actually contact them or invite them outside of a game that allows. I'm up, down for some MP, i got a ton of oculus games and steam games. you can send me mail here or to ensoph42 on steam or use th...
ensoph42 open lobby, join up.
Since all I can do is block my new friends or invite them out of the blue I was hoping we could have something a bit better in the mean time. Each has its pluses and minuses. I'm a man of limited time so if I can plan out game time its really helps.
Lets be real oculus home isn't there yet and neither are the forums. I looked at Slack, GroupMe as well as Skype. None of them fit the bill. Sadly what did was Steam. So I threw this together in like 2 minutes: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/oculus...
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