So i have some friends on oculus home but no way to actually contact
them or invite them outside of a game that allows. I'm up, down for some
MP, i got a ton of oculus games and steam games. you can send me mail
here or to ensoph42 on steam or use th...
Since all I can do is block my new friends or invite them out of the
blue I was hoping we could have something a bit better in the mean time.
Each has its pluses and minuses. I'm a man of limited time so if I can
plan out game time its really helps.
Lets be real oculus home isn't there yet and neither are the forums. I
looked at Slack, GroupMe as well as Skype. None of them fit the bill.
Sadly what did was Steam. So I threw this together in like 2 minutes:
I'm not sure if its the same thing but I'm having a similar issue. I
seem to be perpetually stuck at installing. I've removed my antivirus,
even reinstalled the entire OS. Three things I notice: sometimes it will
work if I log into my admin account b...
hey guys, i dont know who's on or who's off right now but im down for
some MP. i got a bunch of games, steam and oculus (vr games of course)
you can hit me up on the mailbox here, or steam (ensoph42) 0r groupme.
been waning to play the dragon front b...
Ok, so apparently I've annoyed the powers that be and my last like 5
posts are waiting on approval. Look up me up on Steam (ensoph42). I have
a group there and optionally a link to the groupme group for anyone who
wants to try that.
Warbloke said: other - I'm going to get all your phone numbers and just
call youIt's not like we have any real sense of privacy anyway. Listen,
I don't know if this will work, probably won't. Just irks me when you
want to try to something new and peo...