I am testing a Gear VR alpha build developed on Unity 2018.2.20f1 using
the Oculus Integration 1.36.I am using the credit cards mentioned for
testing IAP items via a test user.Steps :Purchase an IAP item
(Consumable or Durable), is purchased successf...
GearVR Unity 2018.2.20f1On upgrading from v1.37 to v1.38, while trying
standalone on editor I have lost the emulator support, then I checked in
OVRManager.cs Line 1297if (OVRPlugin.initialized || (Settings.enabled &&
Settings.loadedDeviceName == OPEN...
@NinjaGaijin Hi NinjaGaijin, is there any update on this bug, I've
checked the latest Unity Oculus 1.37 SDK and the bug still exists in the
IAP. The bug is marked as fixed on the bugs portal.Will it be fixed in
future SDK's or is it a bug on the Ocul...