If anyone finds this in the future: You can check for
OvrAvatarSDKManager.Instance != null;and throw away all packages you
receive before this is true.Instance returns null if the instance is not
yet initialized.I just stumbled upon this experiencing...
Sorry, I'm afraid my question was regarding the "mipmap generation or HQ
distortion" to get rid of the moire effect on some of our textures (see
"vrdaveb" wrote:Sounds like we need to enable mipmap generation or HQ
distortion for your use case (heavily oversampling the eye buffers).
We'll take a look, but the soonest we could ship a fix is several weeks
from now. Are you blocked on this?Hello...
Hey, du kannst versuchen VR Desktop (Freeware) in den Autostart packen
und so dann Windows nur mit Brille zu
betreiben.http://www.vrdesktop.net/Es ermöglicht dir deinen PC
vollständig in VR zu bedienen.Du kannst dann auch aus VRDesktop heraus
deine V...