Hmm.. will be interesting if Oculus can match this.. The company (HTC)
publicly announced a $100 million fund that will be used to make
investments in promising VR companies that join the accelerator. This is
one of the largest VR-dedicated investmen...
Cv1 feels about 10% better than DK2. The hype train on CV1 is
ridiculous... After the crap Palmer Lucky & crew have pulled the past
months... closing Oculus to Rift only users is terrible marketing plan &
above all ... the system is still relying on ...
Oculus are starting to really suck ... & this is coming from a backer of
both DK1 & DK2. There is no way to run Unity5.2 via Mac or even
Bootcamp. I sure hope The VIVE obliterates Oculus even if they don't
support Mac from the beginning... at least t...
looks like Oculus are buying up big time.... First up we see Nimble V.R
can their KickStarter campaign & were scooped up by the arms of the
Oculus monster Now we see 13th Lab have also been sucked in.... 13th Lab
is a team dedicated to all stuff Poin...
Luckey has stated several times that Seated style games will be a more
immersive & comfortable VR experience. why ?? - less motion sickness I
believe Oculus are going to have a tough time eliminating motion
sickness Motion sickness will be a massive ...
I'm running the official cable .. is best and smooth as compared to
others on the market. fibre optic.. am running Alyx shortly. on a PC
laptop (GTX1070)
I found the CV1 to be a great quality build. The FOV is the same as the
DK2. The wider lenses reduce some of the blurring at the edges. There's
a definite upgrade in resolution over the DK2. You'll notice it as soon
as you try on the CV1... but you c...
it uses Laser Tracking... not optical. It uses sweeping IR LASER lines
to trigger small IR sensors on the tracked peripherals, by comparing the
timing of when these sensors are triggered angles can be derived. in
turn, from enough of these angles, po...
HTC VIVE.... mmmmm they're pushing all the right buttons. Apple will
follow Samsung in terms of slide in phone VR ( Samsung Gear Apple Style
) Think I'll be moving to HTC though.