thestonefox gave the news recently in slack.A v4 has started development
and they are intending a 6 month cycle.They will hold a stream and Q&A
this Sunday: news!
Hi,I heard rumours the other day (on reddit - someone posted a link to
an alpha build of my current project) that Oculus does not support
Linux.Thing is, I created builds for not only windows, but mac and
linux.Question is: what is the official statu...
This latest update does seem to have caused various issues, hence why
I'm sifting through the support threads! Heh.But just thought I'd say
that, you're not the only one with the horizontal menu bar sitting
high.Well, I'm off to see if anyone has a p...
I just updated this morning (10mins ago) and it had borked the SDK (as
noted in Unity), but Oculus ran another firmware update and that seemed
to have returned things to normal.Just a FYI.
Not much out there, I'm afraid.But have you checked this video out from
OC5? Definitely worth a watch and shows an example (Dead and Buried) of
porting a Rift game to