Can anyone tell me how to delete one of my Oculus Homes?I was messing
about with templates and ended up creating 4 homes which is the maximum.
Need to delete these test ones so I can create new ones with different
templates. I'm now getting this mess...
Surv1v3 - fight together, die alone from the Candymakers is now
available for early access on Steam!It's a zombie survival adventure
with up to three player coop and other game modes coming soon. Probably
best described as a cross between Onward, Ari...
So there is supposed to be an open beta for From Other Suns, the new
FTL-like space shooter from Gunfire Games (the guys that brought us
Chronos and Dead and Buried). Supposed to be this weekend from 29th sept
- 1st oct. Does anyone know when it will...
Can anyone report if they have managed to get the Oculus Rift sensors
working on active 10metre extension cables from a standard USB 3.0 port
off their mainboards? If so what brand / model?I'm changing furniture
around and now need to move one of my ...
There appears to be an option to save game looking at the options in the
main menu, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it while in the
game, anyone know? Also how do you get a different ship. When you start
a game there are back and forward arr...