Hey, FINALLY it arrived ^^That said I tested some stuff now and of
course will tell you about it. I am no big writer, so I keep it very
basic :wink: First, whatever ppl say, its a GREAT device. Sure you have
no full HD res in front of you wearing it ...
Now that SteamVR BEta added a auto SuperSampling I start to wonder...
what happens if I set for example 1.4 as factor globally... does this
affect SteamVR, too or only stuff running on OculusVR runtime?
Well, Hentai is common in Japan and not only there tbh ^^ Anyways. I
never heard of any company making a big fuss about porn. Betamax vs. VHS
was the same. Betamax said they don't allow it, and VHS just said
NOTHING ... and thus survived. As long as ...
@fps_rawb I dearly hope this was sarcasm. @cybereality is a Oculus Staff
member. Support always is https://support.oculus.com/ as written about
23*10^44 times in here already. So whatever strange tools you used, if
these did cost you any money, you w...
As a bavarian I am no big fan of your straw idea tbh. Weißbier trough a
straw is... *buuuuurp* I tend to only drink much when I have ppl
visiting me. In that case the ppl not immersed are the b33r spawnerz for
the one being immersed ^^