Hello,Our latest VR application “EZ360 Cloud: CMS to distribute 360°
content” has been approved for keys only. Common reasons why apps are
approved for keys are “when the content is too advertorial, there's no
compelling consumer use case, or the app...
Hi there! You could look into the EZ360 VR Player. We have a VR Sync
solution and also have functionalities built-in so the content starts
automatically as soon as somebody puts on the VR headset. Combine this
with setting up the sleeping settings of...
Hi there! You could look into the EZ360 VR Player. We have a VR Sync
solution and also have functionalities built-in so the content starts
automatically as soon as somebody puts on the VR headset. Combine this
with setting up the sleeping settings of...
As far as I know there is no official way of doing this yet. You could
look into EZ360 if you haven't done so already. This solution comes
quite close to a kiosk mode solution if you use it in the right way...