since ‎01-07-2016

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HOW do I get around this? Windows 10. Geforce 980Ti card. Never ends. Always has issues updating itself. Gets stuck in a loop. I have had to keep my windows firewall down to make this work historically annoying but this last time (and now) Im simpply...
So I have under settings/general for oculus to NOT open for third party however the oculus software always starts when a roblox game is started, thus leaving roblox trying to open in this weird virtual reality browser view on my desktop and not playi...
OK. This is NOT an isolated event, This has occured every time I see that the rift is in need of update "a new version of Oculus is required to support your experience in VR. Please update and then wait for oculus to restart" which I do, and it goes ...
I just bought VR Karts. The game description stated that it could be played with a gaming wheel however no such option is actually available in the game. Meaning, in game options have no option for changing the controller. I feel like I am getting ri...
My G29 Racing wheel pedals don't map correctly to Project Cars for some reason. I have the logitech software, everything is current. The logitech software shows the pedal layout like it SHOULD be which is clutch, brake, acceleration YET the Project C...
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