Everytime when I start Oculus Home I need to reset the play area /
guardian everytime. It's getting pretty annoying. Tried reinstalling,
plugging out the cables. Then first USB 3.0, 30 sec later the
Displayport. Seems nothing fixed it, anyone has any...
I've read lots of stories about people accidentally letting the headset
be exposed to sunlight and then find weird spots in their lenses /
display. Lens protection covers included in the headset's package like
the image below should prevent this. Of ...
I tried to order one, paid with Paypal Balance, everything went okay,
got an order number. After that nothing happened, no email, payment
didn't went off my Paypal. I tried again, this time logged in with
Facebook. Now I got an email but it's saying ...
Nekto2 said: @Nunyabinez said: ...IIt might be rumors, or people talking
about a game that they really like to get others to try it out, I don't
know.Hello)Have you seen "Battle Arena VR" ? (free, multiplayer)Try with
real people and rope jumps. Nice...
Luciferous said: I would say having a lens cover helps form a good
habit. I bought a new face pad for the CV1 and it came with a protector.
I started to use it every day after that and just became a habit. When I
upgraded to the Index it also came wi...
Howie_Doodat said: But...if you accidentally leave it in the sunlight,
why would you remember to put the lens cover in before forgetting it in
the sunlight? Also the lens cover would have to be microfiber, able to
go through the laundry (microfiber c...
Most things you can find on Google indeed. What I especially like is
posts for VR cinema's / movies. VR experiences, looking for friends /
groups. I hope there will be more posts like that but if someone needs
help and I have the knowledge to help th...
I just got my Rift S and this is the result when you're overtrying to be
accurate. I send it to a friend of mine and she now has tons of Whatsapp
stickers of my face.EDIT: Oh I didn't mean to necro this post, saw it
was from august.