Honored Guest
since ‎01-07-2016

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I'm trying to integrate Platform SDK into our Gear VR app. Oculus.Platform.Core.Initialize([app_id]) was completed ok but other APIs ain't working. I tried both IsUSerEntitledToApplciation & GetLoggedInUser, nothing happened. (Callbacks never called,...
In my app, there's some scenario where I want to dynamically increase RenderScale to 1.5 to improve visual quality (on GearVR). This works perfectly for me. However, changing RenderScale back to 1.0 sometime causes the screen to flash (/w random imag...
Hi there,We're working on Gear VR app [using Unity] that requires user to register an account in order to access our online content. Since text input on Gear VR headset is a bit of a challenge to most users, we're wondering if there is any APIs we ca...