Hi, I'm trying to use the start button on the left hand controller of
the quest 2, but I am having trouble with it conflicting with another
button on the controller. I am using the new input system and have three
actions set in an action map, see the...
Hi, I have my game setup (using UNITY) and running on PC ( and Quest ).
My question is how do people usually handle when one player has their
internet go out while in a match? My game specifically only ever has 2
players, so if one players internet g...
Hi, I'm wondering if it is possible to test a multiplayer game that uses
the oculus p2p api for its networking by running an instance on your
headset and an instance on your PC with no headset. I am developing in
Unity and this would speed things up ...
Hi, I am just getting my new PC setup and I am trying to get the play in
editor feature to work so that I can just hit the play button and run
the game. I have the quest 2 hooked up through a link cable and I can
get the game to run on it when I pres...
Hi, I just purchased a new laptop which has good specs that I planned to
use for development and when I open the Oculus app it tells me that I do
not meet the minimum specs. Here's what I have Intel 11th Gen
i7-11370HNvidia RTX 307016 GB DDR4 Ram1 TB...
I'm having a similar problem and it seems to be a permissions issue. If
I include the lipsync demo in my build and then load that demo scene, it
prompts me to allow access to the microphone. From then on, the Voip in
my regular game will work as expe...
Hey, did you ever find a solution for this? I am experiencing the same
issue and I can't figure it out. I am using the new input system and
OpenXR. I have it mapped in an input mapping file and then I am using
the "Player Input" behavior to link the ...