Written on 5/21/16My immediate attraction to VR induced flashbacks to my
days as a production manager working on music videos and commercials,
and it’s where I hoped to begin my VR career, but I was all over the map
– I wanted to create VR films, DJ ...
Written on 6/8/16My VR Journey 103 –Research, Timeline and SpreadsheetsI
love spreadsheets, schedules and budgets. They usually keep everything
and everyoneon the same page. I realized I needed to do a lot of
research and make many decisions– scienti...
I find writing to be avery intimate act. Writing non-fiction and sharing
it via a blog is thereforeextremely intimate, soul-baring, and
intimidating for me. Blogging while tryingto figure out my place in the
VR industry and how the technology works, ...
My VRJourney 2.10 – Build Failure…PROJECTNAME:
ExperienceGENRE:Documentary - Caribbean Music FestivalSept 3rd2017Iknew
the past week would get hectic so I kept a log for each day. I’m
My VRJourney 2.9 – It's Been a Long Summer!PROJECTNAME: CARNIVAL360
(Name Change)ENGINE:UnityPLATFORM:Mobile VRTYPE:360Video
ExperienceGENRE:Documentary - Caribbean Music FestivalAugust
27th,2017LASTWEEK startedoff really well…sort of. I had an editi...
My VR Journey 2.8 – My Glass is ALWAYS Half FullPROJECT NAME: CARNIVAL
|VRENGINE: UnityPLATFORM: Mobile VRTYPE: 360Video ExperienceGENRE:
Documentary - Caribbean Music FestivalAugust 20th, 2017LAST WEEK, I
continued moving forward with my project as ...
My VRJourney 2.7 – Post Production Kicks into High Gear!PROJECT
ExperienceGENRE:Documentary - Caribbean Music FestivalAugust
13th,2017LASTWEEKwas a very busy week! On Monday I received a ch...