I've already spoken with GameGrids amazing creators regarding the
glitches. They said it's an app glitch, not a glitch on their end. Is
there any way to PLEASE have someone figure this out? Sometimes when you
attempt to throw the disk, it will either...
For the past few days it's been sporadically working. Today, I can't see
or click on anything. I don't see any worlds or friends and you can't
even click on anything. I've restarted my headset many times. Idk what
else to do!
Someone gave me a code, but I can't figure out where to enter it? Was
just told to go to the website, but still can't find it樂 Can anyone
please help me?
I bought my Oculus Quest 2 in Feb 2021. Im not rough on it and I take
very good care of it. I plug it in after each use, and use rechargeable
1.5v batteries..which I change after each use. I really only play beat
saber & audio trip.. about 2-3 hrs a ...
I, as well as NUMEROUS others, are having the same issue on vrchat.
Having tried every solution except for factory reset...NOTHING WORKS!
Some say it's because vrchat requires 10gb of RAM and the Q2 only has
6bg of RAM. Please read the countless nega...
Im having the same isue in VRCHAT. I can temporarily rectify it by going
into the app settings.. debug.. then clear both caches.. then restart
the app. But this only lasts for maybe the next 5 -6 world visits...then
im sent back Toby home world with ...
Hi Funky.. I'm hoping you don't mind if I give you my info as well since
my clothing hasn't shown up in my oculys closet either. I purchased them
through my Instagram account jade8568_vr .. I hope my photos attach lol
Thanks so much!
Ah OK. All I know is that it was only opened up publicly to the US &
Canada, so far. (Not sure where you're from). Only other advice I can
offer is to manually restart your headset & do the uninstall/reinstall
of the app. Also you should put a ticket...
Hmmm... I just Uninstalled & immediately re-installed it without a
problem. Now everything works fine. You can install it onto ur headset?
Have you made sure you have enough room ( it's like a phone in that