After my first unity Demo GoT : Sky Cell turned out OK I decided to
build something a bit more ambitious – GoT : The Wall! I know there is
already an official Rift activation of the Wall that tours around with
HBO, but it seems unlikely that it will ...
I have been trying to think of a good demo to build since I got my
Oculus Rift, there are so many great options. I needed something light
as I have pretty limited ‘spare time’ these days and on top of that
while I have dabbled a little bit this would...
I am also experiencing this issue, the game was running perfectly, since
last week it has been unplayable. GTX 1080tiAll Lone Echo graphics
setting to lowNo Super Sampling in Oculus toolOculus performance hud
reporting:90fps with great overhead in Lo...
Hey @TheStrugglingNerd I made this back in 2014 so it's a very old
build, it was only working with the DK1. I am hoping to find the time to
do a new release when I get my CV1.Not sure about the android setup, I
have never done it before, it might be ...
Thanks for the feedback guys! I didn't think anyone had replied because
I didn't get an email.Not sure about the crashing, I have sped up the
game intro and added support for controller. I'll release a new build