These steps don't work... butIf you take out the battery and clean the
inside where the + and - sides of the battery touch the controller with
q tip and alcohol, then put a small piece of aluminum foil at each side
and replace battery. Worked like a ...
Take out the battery and clean the inside where the + and - sides of the
battery touch the controller with q tip and alcohol, then put a small
piece of aluminum foil at each side and replace battery. Worked like a
charm for mine! Good luck!!
Take out the battery and clean the inside where the + and - sides of the
battery touch the controller with q tip and alcohol, then put a small
piece of aluminum foil at each side and replace battery. Worked like a
charm for mine! Good luck!!
Take out the battery and clean the inside where the + and - sides of the
battery touch the controller with q tip and alcohol, then put a small
piece of aluminum foil at each side and replace battery. Worked like a
charm for mine! Good luck!!