.. is any one going to bring back VRML?
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VRML)It may sound a little nutty, but if
the focus is to provide interconnected virtual worlds over the internet,
then surely we need a common language? VRML was a fantastic failur...
With all the discussions about shipping times, international waits and
general "where is my rift" threads, I wanted to add some positivity.I
got my Rift hooked up last night and fired up the Sixense Tuscany demo
and my mind is blown. I surfaced about...
Hi all, Just interested in you guys' experience with implementing the
Hydra to work alongside your Rift and how you are currently handling the
calibration when you can only see the virtual world.Currently I have an
initial calibration of arms stretch...
"Davideus" wrote:Not glove, but interesting thingsThe novint falcon is
great but won't give you the fidelity of a glove. That said, it's
actually pretty powerful and realistic for feeling when you've hit
something, or something hits back.
Well one thing's for sure, people at least have an emotional attachment
to the product.Personally, I cancelled my DK2 preorder simply as I'm not
sure which way this will go, and I sure need the money more than them
now, unlike back when I backed it o...
"Stereomike" wrote:I don't know if they are easy to get back. But
ignoring the emotional dimension of the matter will lead to wrong
decisions while handling the situation. The hatred that you see is not
from some paid trolls that were advised to stam...