Hi All,After having 3 replacement headsets so 4 in total wow!!!!So since
then the end of February everything has been fine.Everything has been
going great until a couple of days ago, I noticed that spud was not
being activated with all the problems t...
Hi Rifters,So I was told that if the update did not resolve the issues
then they would look at a possibly RMA.Quote from support;I'll
investigate the possibilities of an RMA once we have more details after
the update has been tested in your environme...
Hi anyone any idea why I am seeing loads of these in my logs;05/02
15:11:00.387 {WARNING} [HW:Health] Hardware health is BAD. 0004
WMHD###########: 0x0 (0) ovrSuccess IMU Stats per total Messages 249 249
Samples 498 498 Lost 0 0 Interpolated 0 0 HMD ...
Hi all & cybereality,First I as have many others have been dealing with
the spud issues, bad QA? bad oled's? Mura Correction? who know's as
Oculus will not speak about it, shame because everyone else is. My
patience ran out a couple of weeks ago and ...
Just an update!Oculus can not push good firmware when it gets corrupted,
I had no indication that a bad firmware update had taken place (really
surprised that a factory reset can not be implemented) Always careful
during any update process!Have been ...
Yeah everything seems ok, although to be fair I am pretty ocd and when
this started happening I stopped using the headset. The image without
spud being activated in dark scenes is unbearable Thing is I am gutted
if it will have to be replaced as it ...
@elbofforyes your misunderstanding, maybe the post is not clear enough.
Spud is not being activated because of a likely corruption in the
firmware, It has corrupted the serial number so a spud file is not being
generated. I never use the spud tool!Ju...
@cyberealityThanks for getting back to me cyber, do you think they will
be able to send me a tool to reflash it, or will it be another
RMA?thanks again for the reply