Hi,I'm using the SDK 1.3 with OpenGL API to develop an app that is not
distributed on Oculus platform, so the app has to be started from
Windows and not from the Oculus app, I mean that I don't have the Oculus
mounted when I start my app.When my app ...
Hi,I am using last Oculus driver ( and the "Demo Scene" app from
Oculus Configuration Utility crashes when starting.I see in About >
Quick log that the driver found only my Intel HD graphics, it doesn't
find my NVidia card. So I guess that th...
Hi all,We just release a new version of our free 360 video/image player
Kolor Eyes Desktop for Mac and Windows! The experience starts to be
really immersive with the DK2, especially on Mac OS 10.8 where we can
have zero latency.Just try it, it is fre...
Hi,I'm using OpenGL API on both Windows and Mac. I would like to have
zero latency on Oculus sensor. Here is my experience :On Windows I try
to use Direct Access mode, when I call ovrHmd_AttachToWindow() it
returns true but it does nothing (my window...
Hi,I am using Qt framework to develop my app. When I use Extend mode in
Oculus Configuration Utility I have no problems.But when I use Direct
Access mode my app crashes at startup. Especially it crashes when I call
ovr_Initialize(). It seems to have ...
It also happens without the health message, just putting my finger on
the light captor do the job.Anyway, you're right I can sleep in this
case but I think it should be more proper that SDK always handle vsync.
Oculus dev what's your opinion ?
Hi,Try with the last beta 3 of Kolor Eyes 1.5 :
http://www.kolor.com/2015/07/31/360-vid ... -5-beta-3/This new version
uses Direct Display and is better integrated, but this is for Windows