Hi!, we are developing a Quest game using Unity 2019.4 with Built-In
Render Pipleline Graphics (not URP)We added a particle effect for an
explotion. When we compile and test it... the right screen of the Quest
freezes until the particle animation end...
Hi, we are developing a hand-track game, there is a tracking requirement
"VRC.Quest.Tracking.1" for the oculus storeIt says "Sitting- The app
must be completely playable while seated."Is that nessesary with the
hand-track mode? Thanks!
Hi, we are developing a hand-track game, there is a tracking requirement
VRC.Quest.Tracking.1It says "Sitting- The app must be completely
playable while seated."Is that nessesary with the hand-track mode?
In my case I'm using the SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync("Scene index") with
the asyncOperation.allowSceneActivation = false; If I set it to true
doesn't load the scene.Sample Code:AsyncOperation asyncOperation;
private int sceneLoadingIndex; private boo...