I'm trying to get meta avatars to work and I've followed all
documentation. When playing the sample scenes from Avatars 2 my avatar
moves perfectly but pressing any buttons causes a loading screen to
appear and I get this error: [ovrAvatar2 sampleAva...
I am getting these errors, but when I remove one I get even more issues.
Multiple precompiled assemblies with the same name Newtonsoft.Json.dll
included or the current platform. Only one assembly with the same name
is allowed per platform.
When playing the sample scenes my avatar moves perfectly but pressing
any buttons causes a loading screen to appear and I get this error:
[ovrAvatar2 sampleAvatar] Error initializing OvrPlatform. Falling back
to local avatarUnityEngine.Debug:LogError...
That worked, and totally makes sense. Strange how when I tried to delete
it from inside the project things got broken... Working fine now though,