System: Unity, MacOS Monterey, Oculus Quest 1 I'm following the Valem
tutorial for setting up the Interaction SDK. Everything was working
correctly with v38, but as soon I updated to v39 both controller and
hand grab stopped working. Poke instead was...
I'm looking around for a decent way to implement teleportation while
using hand tracking. The only tutorial I have found so far is THIS
However, it uses two buttons placed on the wrist which is quite
cumbersome. I'm planning to implement my own versi...
I'm using the Oculus Hands demo scene for hands tracking
(HandsInteractionTrainScene) and it works correctly. However when I try
to replace the default hands with custom hands following the process
:Disable left OVRHandPrefab Disable right OVRHandPre...
I know this is an old question but I noticed that as of 2023 the problem
still persists, so maybe this can help somebody else. Basically in order
to make emissive materials work on Quest you need to activate the
"emissive" flag and set the emissive c...
After several hours of painful debugging I might have found what's the
problem:Causecustom hands prefabs don’t have a OVRMesh component like
the defaults hands prefabthis makes the HandsManager.cs:IsInitialized()
method return falsethis makes the Int...