I've been experimenting with VR development since getting a Quest 2 and
the frustration is growing... I've tried Unity and Unreal (I've worked
with, and am familiar, with both) and each have presented a lot of
challenges. On balance though Unity seem...
Playing with Meta Avatars SDK again, and now I'm working on Windows,
having given up getting anywhere on Mac I have everything set up and
working fine: I can hit play in the editor and it connects with my Quest
2 via Air Link; I can connect via USB...
Has anybody gotten Meta Avatars working in Unity? For me it seems to be
largely not working. The SDK documentation mentions creating an app ID
but doesn't say anything about what to do with it; once I figured out
where to enter it, and created a new ...
Thanks pro_zac, that makes perfect sense; I'd tried using my Oculus app
ID for the Rift ID but it hadn't occurred to me to try creating a Rift
app. Will give this a try!
The Quest can operate in controller mode or hand tracking mode, but not
both at the same time. What you want to do should be achievable, by
placing controller models in the world at the last known location when
tracking switches to hands. You’ll have...
So I've not been able to make any progress on this. I've verified that
I'm logged in with the correct account on both the Quest and the Oculus
App; I've tried putting my credentials in as a test user in Oculus >
Platform > Settings in the Unity edito...