I have gone through the Interaction SDK and now understand how to create
custom hand poses and behavior, custom interactions, with controllers
and/or hand tracking, and so on. However, after having just gone through
the Avatars 2 SDK docs and explore...
I am using Quest 2 controllers represented as hands. Started with the
Complex Grab sample scene. I've created a custom object with custom grab
points, hand pose, etc. and that works fine.What I have been trying to
do is, if you have picked up an obje...
Where did you come across these Meta Avatar (2.0?) rigged meshes? I
haven't not seen this in the docs or samples. And what tooling are you
using? Thanks!P.S. I saw the .glb files that the third-person avatars
sample use but they don't import into Ble...
Alternatively, is there an easier option for building custom hand poses
and object interactions? I find XR Interaction Toolkit + Unity animation
to be better to work with than Interaction SDK, honestly. It took me way
too long to recreate my XR-based...
P.S. As a first crappy experiment I dropped a player controller rig from
one of my Interaction SDK projects into my Avatars SDK project and got
it working such that my avatar had two sets of hands - the avatar hands
+ the hands from my rig. It actual...