Oh my goodness. This is scary. I just decided that we want to get a
refund. Becasue I’ve been worried about this refurbished one being sent
to us. So many warnings on this chat space and now actually I see that
people can’t even get refund can you ...
How did you go with this? I’m very curious. I wish we had read these
community comments before. Our oculus also broke and I’m waiting and
waiting. They sent me a ticket for it to go by boat! And then they say
they might send me a refurbished item. I ...
As I wrote above we are experiencing exact same problem. Lots of money
spent. Oculus brakes. And then it starts… all the promises and waiting
and nothing happening. So so awful. I wish I could somehow warn other
people so steer away from this product...
Hi. I just wanted to say I’m going exactly through this right now! Our
almost new oculus broke so fast. They told me to send it back. I
struggled to get correct information about how to pack it and what
exactly to send back. It took forever for them ...