Obviously the Quset 2 works without a PC as I'm sure you know. But to
access via PC you need to ensure your PC spec is OK ie i7 or Ryzqm 9
ideally and graphics card needs to be Nividia 1060 minimum (according to
NVIDIA App). I have been contacted man...
Same here 8 think my problem happened after V39, they said last to me
V40 out soon so may sort the issue.It may? So do they know what has
caused the issue?? Seems strange
They have said it won't work with Windows 11 to me to, but I'm using 10
anyway. It worked OK even with a USB 2 cable before on my set up. Now
after buying a 10bg rated cable it doesn't work as have the black
rectangle and with my old cable also, and ...
Ref Black Rectangle:Been contacted about 10 times from Oculus support
now, after sending logs they said my graphics card was the issue. Which
I know is just below the required spec it has worked before and Air link
also worked before, but now neither...