since ‎06-04-2022
2 weeks ago

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AVOID version 62!If you download from the Unity asset store, you get a different mix of version 60/62/5x than if you download from Meta.The OVRCamera is only available IF you load the samples. And then you have to copy it manually from Library/com.me...
My right controller stopped working and today so did their WhatsApp support. Does anyone know the new way to get warranty replacement?
Every time I install Oculus Integration version 56, on Unity 2022.3.8f1, it installs without errors. Then on restart it crashes Unity just as I press the yes, or no, or exit, the question about gathering telemetry.Only once was I able to catch it in ...
I have built this project maybe 100 times. No clue what changed or why.I tried to post this in SDK feedback. But it says I don't have permission to post to that group.In ./Assets/Oculus/Avatar2/Example/Common/Shaders/Horizon/Horizon/VertexGI/Interfac...
When I try to build an Oculus (Android) or Windows app using the Voice SDK version 47 I get what looks like link errors:Building Library\Bee\artifacts\Android\19qtv\libil2cpp.so failed with output:C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2021.3.16f1/Editor/...