I have factory reset my Oculus 2 headset. Multiple problems so had no
choice.Now I have to pair it, however, there is no way to do so, even
with an oculus account. The app doesn’t work. I’ve removed/added after
having shut down iPhone 3 times now. so...
This is what I did. Instead of using my wifi through the router in the
house, I turned it off & used my hot spot on my phone, then everything
fell into place, no issues after that. I had tried everything available
& nothing worked. Try this after a f...
I wish they’d hurry up and get it done. This is really irresponsible of
them. They should have a competent team working on this, or they
shouldn’t have changed anything.
I’m so over this whole debacle, I’ll try your suggestion tomorrow. My
headset almost got tossed across the room…but I managed to let it safely
land on the sofa.This is going in 3 days now.
I have Oculus 2 & that has been happening to me, it started off with a
little rectangle above with steps/time whatever, I didn’t ask for that.
Then it asks me to set up meta account. I already have had everything
installed and running since June, smo...