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'I was prompted to submit this idea following the recent controller tracking debacle & this comment from an Oculus software engineer: I wrote a repl...
I currently can't use my Rift because the instant I put it on, I get severe eye strain, which grows in intensity until eventually both my eyes hurt and I'm forced to take it off. I've never experienced anything like this before, and I was a day 1 pre...
Opening the keyboard opens it as a desktop window, with its proper element as a wide, black box at the bottom. To the left & right of the monitor view are programs I have tried splitting out from the main monitor view. Of the things I have tried spli...
Managed to fit most of it in the title. Currently, if you try forming a group for at least Shootout, you can only get 3 people. Once the 3rd joins, you won't get any more, and the ability to invite friends vanishes. Is something up with the servers?
I tend to make large-scale environments with a lot of small detail, and when doing so I eventually run into a camera zooming bug that makes it near impossible to work on small details: shown in the video, when you're zooming far...
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