into the UE5.5 versions, I didn't have any issue in 5.5.1 my end, but
for a performance impact (RHI i think).Have fun!
Creating this thread to facilitate easier tracking.Unreal Engine version
5.4.2 and Meta XR Plugins version
Engine version 5.3.2 and Meta XR Plu...
You're correct, I have just redone everything, and the rooms are no
longer showing under "Meta XR Simulator/Synthetic Environment Server". I
also noticed a "Meta XR Synthetic Environments" path in the Meta XR
Plugin, but I'm not sure where it should ...
These are the steps I have in my guide, all works ok here.Meta XR
Simulator1. Unzip "" file to
"C:\Users\name\Documents\Unreal Projects"2. Uncompress the .tgz file
within the "meta_xr_simulator_v72" folder3. Set the "Meta XR ...
Mix reality stuff is very much in development. Meta is mostly Unity
engineers and Epic has minimal resources for VR, the Meta Plugin is
still on 5.4.4, maybe we'll see updates soon.